Eight new stories for VRMA.io Virtual Reality Media
Written by Micah Blumberg for VRMA Virtual Reality Media
Written by Micah Blumberg for VRMA Virtual Reality Media
Animoji = Volumetric Video + Neural Networks
Animoji = Avatar + Emoji. An Animoji is Volumetric Video + Neural Networks
Article written by Micah Blumberg for VRMA Virtual Reality Media
Today at Apple’s Special Event Apple unveiled the…medium.com
2. Silicon Valley needs to give Women Equal Respect.
Silicon Valley needs to do more to change because Women deserve equal respect in VR, in AR in…
Article written for VRMA Virtual Reality Media by Micah Blumbergmedium.com
3. Join us for the San Francisco Virtual Reality 360 monthly talks.
San Francisco Virtual Reality 360 is a series of monthly talks with demos that we are going to host…
Important: If your company would like to give a live talk at one of our events, a talk we are going to film and publish…medium.com
4. Getting 3D Shapes for VR from 2D images with AI to make a Self Aware Robot’s brain!
Getting 3D Shapes for VR from 2D images with AI to make a Self Aware Robot’s brain!
Longer title: “Getting 3D shapes for VR from 2D images with AI Neural Networks for the purpose of building a Self Aware…medium.com
5. The entire computing industry seems to be moving away from polygons and towards neural network upscaled point clouds.
The entire computing industry seems to be moving away from polygons and towards neural network…
Written by Micah Blumberg, who studies the brain and hosts the Neural Lace Podcast at vrma.io and who is a VR…medium.com
6. Steam VR will run inside Microsoft Mixed Reality headsets!
Steam VR will run inside Microsoft Mixed Reality headsets!
It’s official now that Steam VR will run inside the Microsoft Mixed Reality headsets. If you have a lower end computer…medium.com
7. The beating heart of technology in San Francisco.
The beating heart of technology in San Francisco.
A neighborhood in San Francisco called Soma is quickly becoming known as the heart of the San Francisco VR community…medium.com
8. Review: MIYUBI on the Oculus Rift — Reviewed without Spoilers
Review: MIYUBI on the Oculus Rift — Reviewed without Spoilers
Article written by Micah Blumberg, VRMA Virtual Reality Mediamedium.com