HTC leads VR Chat’s $4,000,000 Series A investment round, along with Rothenberg Ventures…
Written by Micah Blumberg for VRMA Virtual Reality Media and Silicon Valley Global News. (Note: VRMA is…
Written by Micah Blumberg for VRMA Virtual Reality Media and Silicon Valley Global News. (Note: VRMA is powered by River Studios which is funded by Rothenberg Ventures)
HTC Vive chooses leading Social VR platform VRChat as key partner
The VRChat team is proud to announce that we are joining forces with HTC Vive as a key investor and strategic partner…
Here is a video that shows you what VR Chat is like
VR Chat is a Steam VR app that was released on Steam VR in January 2017
VR Chat free and it supports the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and OSVR.
The founder’s have promised to keep it free and in support of multiple platforms for the foreseeable future.
Here is a VR Chat Tutorial to help you get started. I hope to see you in there.
Points to Tom’s Hardware for talking to the folks at VR Chat inside VR Chat.
Hanging Out With The VRChat Devs, In VRChat
The VRChat social platform launched on Steam on February 1. Leading up to the launch, the developers at VR Chat Inc…
END of story.