People to follow: Tom Emerich snaps new photos of the new Lenovo Star Wars Jedi Challenge AR System
On my list of great people to follow on social media is also Tom Emrich
On my list of great people to follow on social media is also Tom Emrich
Tom is constantly posting must read articles like these:
Why will AR Apps struggle for engagement without ARCloud?
AR-Native apps need real-time connections to People, Places &
Google Lens pretty much confirmed for Pixel release
Google Pixel 2’s main super secret feature seems to have spilled here days before the device is revealed with Google…
J.J. Abrams Is Producing a Live-Action Remake of Anime Sensation Your Name
Your Name is one of the best animated films in recent memory, and Hollywood has finally taken notice. Paramount is…
Augmented reality and the rise of the digital object — The Boston Globe
If the Internet of Things already has you browsing around for a smart trash can big enough for all of your unused…
How Virtual Reality is finally starting to be useful for businesses
Immersive technology is having its moment. After decades of gestation, the catch-all term to describe virtual and…
Viveport Unveils New Public Beta Of Viveport Arcade Manager Software
We’ve covered with increasing frequency on VRFocus the rise of the virtual reality (VR) Arcade. The digital out-of-home…
Magic Leap Updates Site in Preparation for the “journey to launch”
Magic Leap today launched a refresh of their official website which includes a new teaser stating that the company…