The NerveGear Show: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Brain computer…
Article by Micah Blumberg, host of the Neural Lace Podcast and the NerveGear Show reference link
Article by Micah Blumberg, host of the Neural Lace Podcast and the NerveGear Show reference link
Reference: The Neural Lace Journal & Talk Show: A compilation of articles, and links.
The Neural Lace Talk Show is a podcast, show, and journal about science, technology, and next generation brain computer…
In preparation for SFVR novem we made the NerveGear Show live broadcast from Facebook Spaces.
This is Episode 1 of the NerveGear Live Show with your host Micah Blumberg and special guest star Sara (Sarit Shashkes)
Sara is a Founder at VirtualBytes, creator of MindMoVR and Consultant at Karuna Labs
Sara previously brought her team to two events I co-hosted called San Francisco Virtual Reality in September and October!
In the NerveGear show we discuss the convergence of cutting edge ideas, science, and technology, which is also the theme for the next SFVR event where Sarah will be speaking on the convergence of ideas, science, and leading technologies including neuroscience, VR and more.
and now the Premiere of the NerveGear Show:
If you are having any issues watching the Facebook Video here is an alternate file source on youtube
Sarah is a founder at Virtual Bytes
Virtual Bytes
Virtual Bytes is an education, research and art collective founded by Matt and Sarah. We aim to showcase how combining VR tech and neuroscience knowledge can influence our lives. We wish to help creators in this new medium by bringing you 2 VR demos a month that hack the mind-body connection. We will be using all sorts of platforms like the HTC Vive, Oculus or web VR, but even if you don’t have the hardware you should be able to learn a thing or two from our videos. For those of you that want to make their own stuff we will be providing source files and some written in depth tutorials.
You can support them by heading to their Patreon page:
Virtual Bytes is creating Virtual Reality Demos | Patreon
Become a patron of Virtual Bytes today: Read 26 posts by Virtual Bytes and get access to exclusive content and…
To get a preview of Sarah’s talk at SFVR novem on Nov 30th watch video of her talk at Cascade SF
and see Sarah’s talk on Psychedelics from the Open Foundation Conference
To get tickets to our event at SFVR in November click here:
San Francisco Virtual Reality 360 novem
November 30th, 2017 Microsoft Reactor 6pm-10pm There is a collision course for all domains of science, all manner of…
In this episode of the NerveGear Show we mentioned MicrodoseVR, by the Vision Agency. What I was referring to was featured in the Neural Lace Podcast #7
The brain as a special kind of hard drive.
June 7th, 2017 Written by Micah Blumberg, Journalist, Neuroscientist by hobby since 2005, Founder of the Neural Lace…
In the podcast I also mentioned that Matterport, a 3D camera company, has a new open source AI software.
Matterport, a 3D camera maker, has just released a new deep learning algorthim under an open source…
CEO Matt Bell announced the news on Facebook November 1st.
He said “Matterport has just open-sourced our implementation…
Read more about the next event here: SFVR Novem: The Convergence of Cutting Edge Ideas, Science & Technology into Virtual Reality
by Micah Blumberg, host of the Neural Lace Podcast at
There is a collision course for all domains of science…
Photos & Videos from SFVR in October 2017: San Francisco Virtual Reality 360 ôctō
New: Our official hashtag is #SFVR use this when you share photos and videos on social media so others can find your…